Contact Evilena
When you contact me you want to make the best impression possible. Here are some basic guidlines to help you make a good impression. Be courteous and considerate whenever you contact me. My time is valuable slave, be respectful Do Not waste it. Be explicit and detailed regarding whatever it is you seek and do not contact me for frivolous reasons. Do not ask me for information already posted on my websites. Use google‘s advanced search feature to search my website before asking me questions.
I often receive offers for personal servitude. If you have a particular talent or skill it is permissible to indicate your availability for specific servile functions. However, I will be the one to decide if and when I want to use you. Do not ask to be a live-in or domestic servant such requests will automatically be denied. I do not invite strangers into my home. Do not ask to be a dungeon maid or receptionist. Since I rent Mistress Elizabeth's dungeon I do not need anyone to clean or answer dungeon phones.
Send Email to
Leave Me Voicemail at (954)-703-1057
Note: this number is for voice mail only. It connects you to my voice messaging service and it is not a telephone number I can answer. If you want to speak to me you must leave a contact name, telephone number, and purpose for calling and I will call you back at my earliest convenience. Also be sure to indicate whether or not I can leave a message or if there are any special discretionary measures you want me to take such as leaving a false name.
Mail Letters, Payments, and Parcels to:
3334 Rochester Rd.
Box# 174
Troy, MI 48083
- Address all checks or money orders to “Mistress Evilena”
- You may send cash but only if it is well disguised. If you are sending cash put it in card or in a gift box with a small token. Little boxes of chocolates are excellent for this but of course the greater the gift the happier I‘ll be.
- I also recommend using a delivery service such as UPS that provides tracking or using deliver confirmation through the USPS.
- When sending order payments make sure you include all the information I need including the items you are requesting and where to send them to. Also include your email address or telephone number so I can contact you if I have any questions.
- My shopping cart will give you the correct total for your order however it is only available if you have flash installed in your browser. If you are using the older html forms there may be some confusion so email me before sending your payment to verify your order amount.
- Since I do not check my box daily you will receive your order faster if you inform me when you send it and send me the tracking number if you have one. I generally try to check my mail on those days I am expecting a delivery.
PMB‘s have special rules heed them
- DO NOT ever address my mail to apartment, suite or post office box etc. because it will be sent back. This is a Personal Mail Box(PMB) and by law a PMB cannot receive mail addressed to PO box, apt. suite etc. Postal regulations are very strict for addressing Personal Mail Boxes(PMBs) you can only use the designations “PMB” “Box” and “#” within the address. Since incorrectly addressed mail is subject to return I recommend you just stick with “PMB”.
- I can receive items shipped by Fedex and UPS because my personal mail box has people to sign for deliveries. In other words a PMB does not have the shipping restrictions that post office boxes do.
- When sending perishables make sure you tell me the expected delivery date because I normally don't check my mail daily.
- When sending me something directly from a website or print catalog include the “PMB 327” portion of the address with either my name or the street address portion of order forms. Never list it under PO Box or apartment because packages listing an apartment or post office box may be returned due to postal regulations. I have had problems with packages being sent back because the merchants listed my box number as an apartment or PO box. Even if you list things with the PMB abbreviation or make a note with the order, many merchants will still screw up the address and list it as an apartment or post office box. Including the “PMB 327” with the name or address section of order forms avoids these mistakes.
Surrender Now Slave.